
Know Me More

I'm Matheus Palhares, a Front-End Developer

I was born in São Paulo, but I lived practically my whole life in Rio das Ostras - RJ 🏖️, and now I'm a student at the Federal University of Viçosa (UFV), I really enjoy learning about everything, from music to quantum physics. I started programming at the age of 16 just for fun, learning Python. So it was only in college that I became interested in Front-end, because I had a great opportunity to join SetApp, a junior company at UFV.
Now my goal as a developer is to first master HTML, CSS and JS, and then start working with React.js. And soon after, learn Node.js, and also study app creation tools, like React Native.

  • Name: Matheus Silva Palhares
  • Gmail:
  • telephone: +55 (31) 98365-6391
  • Age: 20
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